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Train Interior

Citadis X05 Trams  (Nice)

Scope of Supply: 
Project Duration: 
Train Manufacturer: 
Train Operating Country: 
Fire Norms: 
Surface Finish: 

The Citadis X05 new-generation tram provides novel travel comfort: glazing covering forty percent of the tram’s surface, LED lighting for soft, harmonious illumination, broad individual passenger seats, information on the tram journey displayed on extra-wide screens, and better access with double doors along the entire tram.

PCT was commissioned to manufacture the trains bogie boxes. The scope of work included Tool design, Industrialization, tooling, testing (fire smoke & mechanical), manufacturing, assembly, painting, Thermal and acoustic insulation and delivery to Alstom’s...


- Bogie Boxes

- 2017 - 2020

- Alstom

- France

- EN45545

- Painted 

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